مشاوره تلفنی حضوری آنلاین


101 بازدید
سوال شده دسامبر 3, 2021 در شماره مشاوره تلفنی خانواده توسط qww102ap حرفه ای (300 امتیاز)


The kids have only been in school for two months, but the papers and artwork are piling up. Normally I keep a select pieces of artwork and recycle the rest (after the kids are in bed). This year I’m taking a different approach. Armed with my Straight Talk Samsung Galaxy S6, I’m taking pictures of their artwork and turning it into a kids art scrapbook.

What, you don’t have time to make a scrapbook? Don’t worry, this scrapbook is low maintenance and costs less than $10 to make. Even if you’re not crafty, you’ll be surprised by how simple it is to turn your kid’s artwork into a scrapbook.

Grab your smartphone and let’s get started!

Now grab that stack of artwork you have piled up in the corner. Pull out your favorite pieces (or have your child help) to photograph.  Natural lighting is the best, so photograph outside or near a window.  I set up a photography station on our patio.

I already have foam boards for my food photography, but you can also use posterboard or cardboard. Make sure it’s bigger than your child’s artwork and the board is a solid neutral color. Here I used black foam board.

Set the foam board on a chair or something sturdy. Alternately, you can tape it to a wall or window. Take a 3″ piece of masking or washi tape and roll it onto itself. Attach it to the board. You’re essentially creating a reusable sticky surface to attach the artwork to the board.

The hobby of scrapbooking is quite popular. People use kids' scratch coding book to tell a story, chronicle the history of their family, and preserve cherished memories. Most scrapbookers are also having fun and relieving stress. If you have thought about giving scrapbooking a whirl but are clueless where to start, this guide will help. Even if you are not the artistic type, you can still make lovely pages when following some simple rules and guidelines.

There are many types of glues sold for scrapbooking; decide what kind you prefer. Examples are glue sticks, liquid glue pens, photo tape, foam dots, and more. The glue needs to photo-safe and acid-free.

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سوال شده دسامبر 3, 2021 در شماره مشاوره تلفنی خانواده توسط qww102ap حرفه ای (300 امتیاز)
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